Narcisurfing Netizenship

Computer keys, cables, fibreglass and wood
145 x 110 x 100 cm

In this work, I am looking at the power that the screen holds over visual aesthetic judgment. It is quite common today to see people projected on society via media imagery. Aesthetic values are reviewed according to the influence given to the screen (Turkle, 1995: 45). With regard to this, I would say that we all have been programmed by images in the media in the digital age. The power of modern media has somehow granted us a corrupted eye, remapping and reshaping in our brains a stereotypical sense of beauty, a fashion-conscious way of living and perceiving the rest of the world. The top part of the sculpture is presented with cables spreading from it, whether onto a wall or the floor. Its dimensions vary according to the space. Parts of the legs and stand are covered with keys. And I inserted a camera’s zoom lens as a penis that can be adjusted to different sizes.